
Doktoritöö kaitsmine: Fiona Nevzati

F. R. Kreutzwaldi 5 ruum D239

Kliimamuutuste seminar

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CEESEN guidebook on energy advocacy

Guidebook on Advocating for Sustainable Energy in Central and Eastern Europe

The aim of current guidebook is to provide guidance on how organisations can develop efficient energy advocacy activities, including stakeholder engagement, roadmapping, marketing and communications, fundraising and policy analysis. These skills will empower and enhance the co-operation in the sustainable energy sector. Finding a path towards sustainable development will require the pooling of diverse perspectives, knowledge and resources. The purpose of this handbook is to be a practical guide targeted for Central and Eastern European countries. The hope is that a wide spectrum of users can take it up and adapt the content to their own circumstances.


Download the file here: (PDF)

Table of contents:

10 Key Principles of Sustainable Energy Advocacy

1. Analyze the issue closely and identify clear advocacy goals
2. Identify the key political actors and understand the political system in your area (i.e. local, regional or national government)
3. Identify all other stakeholders and prioritize their importance based upon their level of influence and interests in regard to your issue.
4. Connect stakeholders’ interests to your goals.
5. Engage your stakeholders (political and otherwise) and develop relationships with them
6. Be clear about what you want from each stakeholder and approach them accordingly
7. Make sure your marketing and communications strategy is aligned with your advocacy goals and strategy
8. Stakeholders do not have to agree on everything—just enough to secure your goal
9. Social consensus isn’t permanent and must continually be asserted and defended. Make sure to preserve your relationships with stakeholders for future efforts
10. Diversify resources. Do not be afraid to be creative