Manure Standards Outputs in English
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The Manure Standads Calculation tools in English are downloadable here. The tool is Excel-based.
Right click on the link below and select Save as to download and save the file on your computer.
Regional level calculation tool
The regional-level tool helps to calculate manure quantity, properties and relevant emissions throughout the whole production chain (on animal, housing and manure storage levels). The tool helps emissions reporting and enables calculation of N-losses based on the production technologies. It also simplifies the calculation of nutrient balances throughout the production chain. The regional tool is on three accuracy levels - The Tier 1 calculation is based on the animal categories and methods listed in the EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory Guidebook (2016). Tier 2 uses national excretion values for ex-animal level and calculates the further calculations as a mass balance (ex-housing, ex-storage). Tier 3 is a full mass balance calculation using the ex-animal algorithms of the Danish normative manure system (DIAS report no 7).
Download the Regional level calculation tool here (as zip-file)
Download the Regional tool's manual here (as PDF file)
Farm level calculation tool
The farm-level tool helps to calculate manure quantity, properties and relevant emissions throughout the whole production chain (on animal, housing and manure storage levels). It is based on feed data (mass balance).